Featured works
Capturing life,
showing to the world

What we do
We focus purely on the
Safety and Security.
Film Production Safety and Security is broad in terms of scope of deliverables subject to the production requirements. From preparation of a governance framework to give assurance to insurers when securing finance, to liaising with local emergency services ensuring that there is seamless interoperability between our first line of defense and subsequent response. Our team at Health Safety Emirates are specialists in meeting objectives should any such escalation be deemed appropriate.
Our services
Production Safety & Security
Supporting producers and production overall with the necessary protocols, risk management plans and method statement
Department Crew
Our crew specialize in Film Safety, Security, Set Medics and Emergency Medical Services, Infection Prevention & Control
Advisory / Consultancy
Our consultancy service is employed by Film Commission, Major Studios, Production Companies, and Insurers alike.
Risk Management Plan
A Risk Management Plan requires departmental support to ensure cast and crew are safe during the production and all succeeding film making activities. It is paramount that you have a broad understanding of each department and how they operate.
Security of Cast and Protecting Production
Ultimately, we are the gate keeper in maintaining an environment that protects the welfare of the crew, their health and management of infections such as COVID.
Security of Cast and protecting production in terms of physical, financial, or reputational risk remain integral as the ramifications of the prevailing risks can be severe.
Armorers and Military Technical Advisors
Our qualified and experienced personnel, will manage the weapons, ensure they are made safe and that any cast or crowd in possession of a weapon maintain the same disciplines as to ensure accidents and subsequent injuries are prevented.
our crew
The professionals behind
the scene.
The departments responsibilities to serve the show are constant as is our duty of care and necessary provisions.
The role is demanding, yet the challenges are rewarding, immersing yourself into a project with early call times and tight turnarounds with constant change and obstacles to overcome.
Gareth Thomas
GIFireE TechIOSH – Production Safety & Security Advisor, Managing Director
Simon Young
Director of Security / Health & Safety Advisor / Armorer / Production Military Advisor / Stunts
Gemma Do Rego
Senior Project Manager / Transport Coordinator / Production
May Madrigal
Senior Set Medic
Jinjie Li
Compliance Officer & Production Safety Coordinator
Maureen Eva Rosales
Set Medic &
Production Safety Coordinator
Stephanie Ira Ho
Set Medic / Health & Safety / Nurse
Roel Masallo Valeriano
Level 3 Set Medic / Safety & Security / Art Department
Henry Dray
Line Producer / International Transport Captain
Steven Day
International Transport Captain
Daisy Thomas
Production Assistant
Scott Chisholm
Head of Security UK
Layton Windsor Thomas
Film Security / Communications Specialist
Shamir Shamsudin
Safety / Set & Cast Security
James Burnett
Motorsport Safety Consultant
Shaveer Haripershad
Film Performance Injury Prevention Specialist

Film making is our passion and being part of the machine is truly wonderful!
latest news


The Institution of Fire Engineers


iosh International

British Bodyguard Association

Where do we work, what notice do we need?

With local, regional, and international experience no location is too far, and we will travel as required with the show.
If you pencil us in and we are available once the agreement is finalized, we will deploy within 48 hours subject to flights, visas, and any other necessary formalities.
Whilst our parent company is registered in Fujairah, UAE we are geographically accessible and licensed for the purpose of rebate in Abu Dhabi, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, with pending licenses in Saudi Arabia and the Canary Islands (Santa Cruz).
Supporting Film Commissions
We are committed to supporting film commissions and their available infrastructure and are happy to consider establishing a presence in most filming communities upon request.
our clients

Abu Dhabi


Epic Films

Royal Commission

Bad Robot

Film Alula

Film Works






Warner Bross


Thunder Road


Walt Disney



The Institution of Fire Engineers


iosh International

British Bodyguard Association