Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, COVID 19 and its subsequent strains has created a number of dilemmas for producers

Whether it be based on the local governing protocols of the shooting locations, the union protocols, prerequisites of the insurers or the general duty of care for the cast and crew.


Testing has become the primary pillar to successful infection prevention, control and management.

The cost of going still on a movie is substantial, whether it be the isolation of a pod, department, zone or having to stop the whole production.

We will put together a COVID risk management plan that takes into consideration local law and aligns with studio and union protocols subject to the severity of the prevailing risk measured by cases.

Predominantly we measure new cases and hospitalizations per 100,000 in a given population over a 7-day average and where possible the R number (Reproduction Number), detailing how contagious and infectious it is.

Consequently, we will then determine how austere our control measures need to be as per the protocols implemented and preapproved.

COVID Testing

In conjunction with our associated laboratory we will manage both PCR and where permitted antigen testing for cast and crew. This includes laboratories set up at location, nurses, lab technicians, data processing and management in line with local regulatory body requirements and studio preferences.


Case Management

Should a positive case be identified, we will then escalate as necessary managing the welfare of the patient, identifying close contact crew and cast members and manage the incident proportionately so as to reduce the impact on production whilst maximizing the safety to all crew by minimizing the opportunity for the infection to spread further.

COVID Protocols

We have produced protocols for film commissions and studios ensuring that control measures and standard operating procedures are aligned with all key stakeholders to ensure that all moral, financial and lawful considerations and requisite deliverables are implemented to meet the risk management plan of production in this regard and remove, where possible, reputational risk and avoid pandemic related litigation risks due to negligence.

Covid-19 precautions and standards are practiced on the movie set for ‘The Knocking’ in Highland Park, California on September 2, 2020.

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