Services range from consultancy to manpower solutions across the broad spectrum of risk within the Film Industry as a whole
Additionally, we can offer bespoke safety and security solutions that will benefit from our regional and professional expertise such as taking care of high-net-worth individuals and celebrities.
Furthermore, our special project division delivers strategic and operational consultancy to both Government and Industry leaders including but not limited to film commissions, global corporations, and studios.
Our combined wealth of industry specific experience spans three decades both internationally and domestically with specialist knowledge of the Middle East that extends itself beyond four decades.

Our services
Production Safety & Security
Supporting producers and production overall with the necessary protocols, risk management plans and method statement
Department Crew
Our crew specialize in Film Safety, Security, Set Medics and Emergency Medical Services, Infection Prevention & Control
Advisory / Consultancy
Our consultancy service is employed by Film Commission, Major Studios, Production Companies, and Insurers alike.
Risk Assessments
Film Finance Package, Add-on specialty policies, Filming locations, Film making
We are experienced in delivering internationally benchmarked protocols for film commissions and studios alike.
Production Sourcing / Procurement
We are extremely resourceful with substantial supply chain in both the UAE and KSA.
Training Academy
Our training academy offers training and the crafting of bespoke courses which are internationally accredit whilst being Middle East Centric in both English and Arabic
We will carry out the necessary audits, checks and measures
Government Consultancy
Working with government departments, we offer a full range of safety and emergency management-orientated consultancy support.
Emergency Medical Services
We understand the need for a comprehensive Emergency Medical Services plan and will craft a scenario-based response for productions and key stakeholders
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, COVID 19 and its subsequent strains has created a number of dilemmas for producers.
Security Management
Ultimately, we serve three areas in this regard: Location / Countrywide Scouting, Cast and Crew, Set Security
Security Consultants – Executive Protection
Our security Consultancy Service extends itself beyond the world of Film and can be tailored for private clients worldwide either on a long-term or short-term contract
Armory – Weapons Handling
All persons in possession of a weapon either hot or cold, are responsible for ensuring that their firearms and ammunition dummies or blank are safe to use.
Rates & Crew Deals
We will package a deal together based on either day rates or weekly rates with overtime on 6th day and 7th day.
Additional Services
PCR Testing (3rd Party Lab), Transport (Crew and Cast), Locations Scout and Management, Production Services, Event Risk Management and many others
We are the market leaders,
we are the go to.
If you want to feel cared for and valued, if you want to feel safe and secure and you need our services, then there really is no one else.